This website is provided as-is, and should be used accordingly. No guarantees are provided. All content on this website is owned by Lyrica Singers, and should not be reproduced without prior permission. By using this site you consent to the use of cookies to enable functionality such as that provided in the online shop. These cookies store no personal information but remember what you have placed in your shopping cart for convenience. Third party cookies are used in the instance of Soundcloud widgets across this site, please see their cookie policy which is linked at the bottom of each player. You may choose to opt out by disabling cookies on your browser, but you will not be able to hear sound samples, or purchase CDs directly online. Your information is never shared with third parties.
The website uses Ubercart, the Free Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Cart Solution / Software for Drupal, E Commerce and their website should be referred to for any terms of use regarding the Ubercart system. All payment processing is securely performed off-site via PayPal. Lyrica, nor this website at any point receive any details during an order other than your provided contact details for postage purposes and never gain access to your payment details other than the provided PayPal email address used to place an order. This is in the interest of Data Protection, and client security which is taken as a first priority by Lyrica. As such, Lyrica are not responsible or liable for any payment issues encountered during PayPal transactions. If you are unsatisfied with the terms of this agreement or would prefer not to use PayPal orders can also be placed via cheque through the post.
All content on this website is liable to change and whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy at time of publication, Lyrica reserve the right to amend any information found on this site and are not liable for mistakes or incorrect information. If you spot anything you think is in error, please let us know and we will review this.
"Lyrica" and "Lyrica Singers" may have been used interchangeably across the content on this and other pages to refer to the content providers on this website, who provide professional singers for functions, events and weddings. For enquiries or further information please contact Lyrica using the Contact page.